Envíame un mensaje de texto!

Descargar Envíame un mensaje de texto! para PC con Windows (7,8,10,XP) Descripción general gratuita.

Envíame un mensaje de texto para PC:Mensajes de texto gratis (SMS reales) a CUALQUIER número en los EE. UU., Canadá y 40 countries.Free HD Voice & Video Calls between Android and all other platforms.Enjoy your Own New phone number for Free Calling and Messaging!Turn your Android Tablet into a Phone!TextMe is a cross-platform messaging application that allows you to send unlimited texts (SMS) messages and pictures to any phone number in United States, Canadá, Mexico and 40 countries in the World for FREE.Messaging and calling your friends has never been easier! Join your friends on TextMe and enjoy free Calls, free Text Messaging, free Video Calling and Group Chatting across Android and all other platforms.Sign up today and share TextMe with your friends to start a call, a text or a video chat for free. This free messaging & calling app is a must for any social networking guru.Text Me PC Version is downloadable for Windows 10,7,8,xp and Laptop.Download Text Me on PC and start playing now!

Arrastre y suelte el archivo apk desde su PC en MuMu Player para instalarlo.

Cómo jugar Envíame un mensaje de texto en computadora

-Descargue e instale el reproductor MuMu Emulador de Android. Haga clic aquí para descargar:

-Ejecute MuMu Player Android Emulator e inicie sesión en Google Play Store

-Open Google Play Store and search Text Me Download

-Instale Sonic Runners e inícielo

-Buena suerte! Now you can play Text Me on PC, just like Text Me for PC version.

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