Shadow Battle 2.0

Shadow Battle 2.0 Pour PC Télécharger gratuitement la version complète Présentation.

Shadow battle 2.0 for pc- take the hero having super abilities into the battle. Participate in 1×1 battles with other superheroes. Get ready for dynamic battles in this dynamic Android game. Each character has unique abilities and battle style. Defeat enemies in close battle applying martial arts maneuvers. Use bombs, arrows and other weapons to destroy the enemy at long range. Move the hero across the field with one tap. Dodge enemy attacks. Apply character’s skills.
Game features of Shadow Battle 2.0 for pc:
-Original graphics style
-Many powerful superheroes
-Simple system of controls
-Various locations
-Bright special effects
To Play Shadow Battle 2.0 sur PC,users need to install an Android emulator like MuMu Player.Shadow Battle 2.0 PC Version is downloadable for Windows 10,7,8,xp and Laptop.Download Shadow Battle 2.0 sur PC gratuitement avec MuMu Player Android Emulator et commencez à jouer maintenant!

How to Play Shadow Battle 2.0 sur PC

-Téléchargez et installez l’émulateur Android MuMu Player. Cliquez ci-dessous pour télécharger:

-Exécutez MuMu Player Android Emulator et connectez-vous à Google Play Store

-Open Google Play Store and search Shadow Battle 2.0 et télécharger,

Ou importez le fichier apk de votre PC dans MuMu Player

-Install Shadow Battle 2.0 et démarre-le

-Bonne chance! Now you can play Shadow Battle 2.0 sur PC, just like Shadow Battle 2.0 pour la version PC.

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