SuperStar SMTOWN pour PC Télécharger gratuitement la version complète Présentation.
Superstar SMtown pour PC- gather a collection of cards with popular artists and pop bands from South Korea. Enjoy modern music and test your sense of rhythm and ear for music in this Android game. Listen to your favorite songs and tap the screen at the same time to hit the sliding notes. Try to score maximum points and set a new record. Compete with players from all over the world and get to the top league. Buy new cards, unlock new songs.
Features of SuperStar SMTOWN for pc:
– 34 artists/Groups from S.M.ENTERTAINMENT
– 310+ songs in variation.
– 2,000+ cards to collect
– Compete other users in 15 different leagues
– CardBook system added. Check your own cards.
– 3 different levels of difficulty for each song.(EASY/NORMAL/HARD)
– Star cards that can be collected/enhanced to get more bonus points.
– Weekly highest scores to determine your league rank
– 15 different leagues determined by your weekly league ranking.
To Play SuperStar SMTOWN on PC,users need to install an Android emulator like MuMu Player.SuperStar SMTOWN PC Version is downloadable for Windows 10,7,8,xp and Laptop.Download SuperStar SMTOWN on PC free with MuMu Player Android Emulator and start playing now!
How to Play SuperStar SMTOWN on PC
-Téléchargez et installez l’émulateur Android MuMu Player. Cliquez ci-dessous pour télécharger:
-Exécutez MuMu Player Android Emulator et connectez-vous à Google Play Store
-Open Google Play Store and search SuperStar SMTOWN and Download,
Ou importez le fichier apk de votre PC dans MuMu Player
-Install SuperStar SMTOWN and start it
-Bonne chance! Now you can play SuperStar SMTOWN on PC, just like SuperStar SMTOWN for PC version.
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