Baixe Anghami for PC Windows (7,8,10,XP) Visão geral.
Anghami para PC é a melhor maneira de jogar & Descubra música grátis que você ama, bem no seu celular,tablet or PC! Anghami gives you the largest music catalogue, with millions of arabic and international songs (international works only in MENA countries).Listen absolutely free with ads, or get Anghami Plus.You can ALWAYS use Anghami for free with no downloads.
Features of Anghami for PC Winows:
• NEW! Create your own music videos with Expressions
•Watch exclusive music videos on Anghami!
•Instantly find music by any artist, from a library of millions of Arabic & international songs
•Looking for new music? Get recommendations for the right activity,mood & genre by listening to curated playlists to perfectlysuit your taste.
•Have a special occasion, or making your own party? Let the musicmake your best moments even more fun
•Music is in pure Dolby so you listen to top quality and use littledata
•Build your own music library by collecting songs & take themwith you wherever you go
To Play Anghami on PC,users need to install an Android emulator like MuMu Player.Anghami PC Version is downloadable for Windows 10,7,8,xp and Laptop.Download Anghami on PC free with MuMu Player Android Emulator and start playing now!
How to Play Anghami on PC
-Baixe e instale o emulador Android MuMu Player. Clique abaixo para baixar:
-Execute o MuMu Player Android Emulator e faça login na Google Play Store
-Open Google Play Store and search Anghami and Download,
Ou importe o arquivo apk do seu PC para o MuMu Player
-Install Anghami and start it
-Boa sorte! Now you can play Anghami on PC, just like Anghami for PC version.
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